Viewing and Editing Meeting Notes 101

When it may be important to find meeting notes

By capturing as many meeting notes as possible, you can tap into the invaluable insights contained within them at any time in the future. You can locate notes tagged to a record under the “Interactions” section, or use the research tool on Navatar’s quick links panel to find notes with specific keywords.

See: How do I Search for Intelligence?

Can I view meeting notes only for my meetings or everyone at my firm?

All meeting notes entered into the system will be visible to all users. This way, you can create a centralized repository of valuable firmwide intelligence, rather than isolated pockets of information and relationships that could be instrumental in deal sourcing.

What are the various ways to find a meeting note that was created by someone?

To access meeting notes related to specific people, companies, or deals, simply navigate to the “Interactions” section on their respective record pages. To view all interactions across the system, click the “Interactions” tab on the top navigation bar of Navatar. You can then utilize the search bar on the top left of the page to filter through these interactions.

Additionally, you can use the Research tool to find Meeting Notes that contain a certain keyword or phrase.

See: How do I Search for Intelligence?

Are meetings displayed chronologically or based on action needed?

Meetings in the “Interactions” section of any page will be ordered chronologically. This section will show you the four most recent interactions. To see all the interactions tagged to the record, click “view all” from the bottom right corner.

What if I didn’t add a meeting note, can I go back at any time and add that?

On busy days filled with back-to-back meetings, it may be challenging to log into Navatar to record meeting notes. However, Navatar’s notifications can serve as a backlog list of notes that need to be entered. When you receive a pop-up notification, it can be “snoozed,” and accessed later from the home page. This list then serves as a to-do of all meetings that need notes entered.

Additionally, you can add meeting notes at any point by locating the meeting in the “interactions” section of any record that the meeting was tagged to, and clicking the “Add Note” button.

Can I search for a keyword across all my meeting notes?

Navatar’s Research tool gives you the ability to identify trends or topics across all your firms meeting notes. This is because all meeting notes and documents in the system are searchable. You can search across all your meeting notes from the “Research” tab located on the right side of the Quick Links bar at the bottom of Navatar. From here you can search for any keyword or phrase across the entire system.

See: How do I Search for Intelligence?

If I edit a meeting note on one record, are those changes reflected on the other tagged records?

Each Meeting note exists in the system as its own record, so any changes that you make to a meeting note will be reflected on all the records that the note was tagged to.

Can I add meeting notes from a mobile device?

You have all the same meeting note options on the Navatar Mobile app that you have on the main site. You will receive notifications when logging into the app as well as on each record page, and you can tag and create records just the same as you would do on your computer.

Can I easily copy important information from a meeting note?

When preparing for a meeting and sifting through meeting notes for valuable insights, you may stumble upon a single line of text that could be particularly pertinent. With Clips, you can effortlessly gather and combine these snippets from multiple notes, add your own annotations, and save the clip as a standalone record for future reference.

See: Preparing for Meetings

Can I notify people about important information recorded in a meeting note?

There may be times when information that you are entering in a meeting note could be important to a specific member of your team.  While there’s no direct notification feature available, if the note is added to a theme where the team member is listed on the Theme Team, they will receive a notification.

In this case, you could set up a theme dedicated to meetings that are relevant to a certain user or group of users. Add them to the team for that Theme, and then tag the theme when entering the relevant meeting notes. The users will then receive a notification that a new interaction has been added to the theme and requires their attention.

See: Research (Themes)

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