How to Access Meeting Notes for a Contact

Where can I see meeting notes on the record level?

On any record page, you can view all the meetings, calls, and emails associated with that record in the “Interactions” window located in the top-right corner of the page. By default, this window displays the four most recent interactions, but you can access the full list of interactions by clicking “view all” in the bottom-right corner of the window.

How can I easily share meeting notes with other users?

There may be times when information that you are entering in a meeting note could be important to a specific member of your team.  While there’s no direct notification feature available, if the note is added to a theme where the team member is listed on the Theme Team, they will receive a notification.

In this case, you could set up a theme dedicated to meetings that are relevant to a certain user or group of users. Add them to the team for that Theme, and then tag the theme when entering the relevant meeting notes. The users will then receive a notification that a new interaction has been added to the theme and requires their attention.

See: Research (Themes)

How can I tell if a meeting has notes entered?

There are two places on the record page where you will be able to see meeting notes

From the Interactions Window

If the meeting is among the four most recent interactions associated with the record, it will be visible in the “Interactions” window. If notes have already been recorded for the meeting, you’ll notice a white “edit note” button on the interaction card. However, if no notes have been recorded yet, a blue “add notes” button will be displayed instead.

From the “View All” Page

To access meetings beyond the four most recent interactions, simply click on the “view all” button located in the bottom-right corner of the Interactions window. This will display a complete list of all interactions associated with the record. To identify meetings that lack recorded notes, check the “Details” column.

How can I edit or update meeting notes?

There are two places on the record page where you will be able to see meeting notes

From the Interactions Window

If the meeting is among the four most recent interactions linked to the record, it will appear in the “Interactions” window. If notes for the meeting have already been recorded, you’ll notice a white “edit note” button on the interaction card. Simply click this button to make any necessary changes to the note.

From the “View All” Page

To access meetings beyond the four most recent interactions, click on the “view all” button located in the bottom-right corner of the Interactions window. This will display a complete list of all interactions associated with the record. To identify meetings that lack recorded notes, check the “Details” column. To edit a note, click on the name in the “Subject” column to open the interaction window, then click the “Edit” button located in the top-right corner.

The Research tool not only enables you to search through all meeting notes and documents in the system, but also to find specific keywords or phrases within the notes of a particular record. To search within a specific record, navigate to the desired record page and click on the Research tool located on the right side of the Quick Links bar at the bottom of Navatar. Type the desired keyword or phrase in the search bar and select “Specific Record” from the drop-down menu to the left of the search bar.

See: How do I search for Intelligence?

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