ESG Is No Longer Optional. What Every Private Equity Manager Should Know

ESG Is No Longer Optional. What Every Private Equity Manager Should Know

Responsible investment (or ESG), once a do-good sideshow, is becoming mainstream. Private equity managers must consider a host of issues, from gender diversity to carbon emissions, or risk losing investor capital and deals. The trend is only growing. The challenge...

How A Smart Deal Platform Sharpens Your Dealmaking Edge

An edge in this competitive business comes from a) your industry relationships and track record and b) how your deal platform can turn information buried inside that track record into a potent weapon driving the best outcomes. Watch this webinar to see how Navatar...

Introducing Smart Deal Platform for Corporate Development

Even the perfect deal comes with due diligence challenges for corporate development teams. To obtain the appropriate sign-offs to move the deal forward, the team must become expert project managers with high levels of attention to detail, coordinating multiple...

Navatar 2.0. Your Deal Lifecycle Transformed.

Navatar is excited to announce our new M&A platform featuring the entire deal “prep to close” process. Below is a summary of the topics covered: Deal Prep: – Collaboration capability with client to create CIM, teaser, financial models, etc. – Built-in...