Introducing Private Equity’s Intelligent ‘Sourcing to Closing’ Deal Lifecycle

Introducing Private Equity’s Intelligent ‘Sourcing to Closing’ Deal Lifecycle

Smart tech platforms are nowadays critical for every stage of a deal lifecycle. Origination requires intelligence and workflows to make sure you are being shown the best deals, whereas deal evaluation and due diligence require sophisticated toolsets to manage the...
Introducing Private Equity’s Intelligent ‘Sourcing to Closing’ Deal Lifecycle

Unveiling the New Navatar

Watch this webinar to learn about Navatar’s: Brand New Interface – Designed to simplify the entire deal lifecycle for partners and analysts, so they can collaborate efficiently. New Due Diligence Capability – Your entire deal management and due...
How Buyers Run Entire Deals From Their Mobile

How Buyers Run Entire Deals From Their Mobile

And the benefits are clear. When a banker or CEO reaches out, you must act in real time. You cannot afford to wait to get to your laptop next morning to respond to leads, collaborate with colleagues, sign documents or to simply figure out what’s happening on a deal....
Watch List 2.0. Deal Sourcing Revamped

Watch List 2.0. Deal Sourcing Revamped

Your competitors know immediately when a target opens a new office, hires a C-level executive, or reaches a new stage of growth. They place themselves at the right conferences at the right time, and can instantly review why a dealmaker who left two years ago passed on...