How to Create Follow-Up Tasks

Why is creating a follow-up important?

During many of your meetings, you may come up with additional action items that require follow-up. While these can be included in the free text of the meeting notes, they can easily be forgotten as they are not connected to any reminders. To address this, we’ve included a feature that allows you to create follow-up tasks directly from the “Advanced” section of the meeting note screen, as shown below. By creating follow-up tasks here, you can set a due date, and Navatar will remind you on that date that the task needs to be completed.

How do I tag other records in the task?

While creating a follow-up task while entering meeting notes, Navatar automatically copies any of the items referenced in the notes to the new task. However, you can always add or remove tags by editing the task directly. You can view and edit your tasks from the “Interactions” tab in the navigation bar at the top of Navatar.

Can I make a recurring task?

You cannot create a recurring task directly from the meeting note window. You can, however, create multiple tasks at the same time by clicking the “add more” button underneath the task details, as shown below.

Can I assign the task to another user?

Typically, most of the follow-up tasks that you create will be assigned to yourself, and Navatar automatically assigns the task to you via the “User” field in the Task section. However, you can easily assign the task to another user in the system by swapping out your name in this field, as shown below. The task will then be assigned to them, and they will receive a notification to complete the task in the system. Any further notifications regarding the task will be directed to that user.

How does the task reflect in Acuity?

Upcoming tasks will be displayed in the “Interactions” section of any Company, Person, or Deal page. However, this section will only show the four most recent interactions, so you may need to click “view all” in the bottom right of this section to find the task you are looking for. You can easily add notes or change the status of the task by clicking “Add Notes.”

See: Understanding Relationships

Can I create a follow up task after I save the meeting note?

You can create a new task at any time in the system from the “create” button on the Quick Links panel in the bottom right of Navatar. From here, click “task” and Navatar will guide you through the process of creating your task.

How can I add notes once the task is complete?

Once you have completed the task, you’ll want to make sure that you update it in the system to mark that it has been completed and add any additional intelligence gained. You’ll be able to do this directly from the “Interactions” section of any record page that was tagged to the task, and you can update the task by hitting the “Add Notes” button, as shown below.

What’s the difference between a Task and an event?

Tasks are used to assign users specific assignments on or by a specific date. You will be able to set a single due date for tasks. (i.e. “Call Mark on Friday, November 15th.”)

Events are used for interactions that happen at a specific date and time. (i.e. “I have scheduled a Zoom call with Mark from 1-2pm on Friday, November 15th.”) Since most events will be pulled in automatically from Outlook, you will not need to manually create events in the system unless there are events taking place that do not appear on your calendar.

Where can I see all of my tasks?

You can see all of your tasks by navigating to the “Interactions” tab from the Navigation bar at the top of Navatar. This will show you all interactions logged into the system, including both open and completed tasks.

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